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January ,2025
Action plan to combat illegal fresh cell therapies

At the end of 2014 the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and Swissmedic, in partnership with the cantons, initiated an action plan to combat non-authorised fresh cell therapies. The outcome at the end of the campaign: Swissmedic issued rulings against manufacturers and suppliers of non-authorised animal tissue preparations in four cases. Three of these cases are still pending with the Federal Administrative Court. Objections were lodged against 14 websites because of misleading claims.

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January ,2025
Does more money always mean better health?

Duc-Quang Nguyen, Olivier Pauchard
Copyright: Dec 12, 2016 – 11:00

The Swiss health system is one of the most expensive in the world. Swiss people also have among the longest life expectancies. So can we assume there is a correlation between money invested by a country, and citizen health? We show here that there is indeed a link. However, for developed countries like Switzerland, the relationship between expenditures and benefits for citizen health is much less clear.

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January ,2025
Der Markt für ausländische Spitalpatienten boomt

Das Schweizer Gesundheitssystem geniesst weltweit einen guten Ruf. Grund genug für viele ausländische Patienten, sich in der Schweiz behandeln zu lassen. Doch ist dies legal? Jessica Xiaoying Jaun-Li holt chinesische Staatsbürger für Therapien in die Schweiz. Sie erzählt, wie dies finanziert wird.

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