Your lifestyle and genetic predisposition have a significant effect on your health, the most valuable asset for you.
The effect of stem cell treatment on many incurable diseases has been proved. Currently the use of stem cell in many countries is still restricted.
Toxic metals exist everywhere on the earth and they affect people’s health. Nowadays, toxic metals have become a major cause of illness, aging and even genetic defects.
Every one of three people nowadays suffers from cancer during their lifetime. Along with the decline of the cardiovascular diseases rate and the increase of human
We are familiar with all the laws and regulations related to medical field. Under the condition of legality, we provide you a series of opportunities for medical exchanges.
AletschMed and its team provide you the access to the best medical service in Europe and assist you through your health treatment. We operate as an independent business and enjoy a strong network with hospitals, clinics and doctors. Benefit from such a network and taking advantages of the sound healthcare system in the wealthiest part in Europe, we are able to provide the first-class services to our clients. Tailor-made service and precision medicine are our core competencies. Your health is our business focus and our solution is precise to each of your cell. We take care of your health in the way that the environmentalists protect the Unesco World Heritage Aletsch glacier. Check you into highend health care.
read moreGermany has the longest history of social care and sound public healthcare system. It promotes a compulsory system, which is dominated by social health insurance and in assistance of commercial medical service.
read moreSwitzerland enjoys the most developed public healthcare system in the world. It has highly-qualified medical experts and leading clinics and hospitals equipped with the most advanced medical technology.
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